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What are Washington Vital Records?
Washington vital records arelegal documents that contain information about significant life occurrences in people's lives.
These documents include certified birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, and divorces certificates in the state. The Washington State Department of Health (WSDH) maintains a new vital records law for events as early as 1981.
How Can I Get a Copy of a Birth Certificate in Washington?

The state of Washington is an open record state, which means that anyone may order copies of birth certificates as long as they can provide the required information. However, birth records that are less than 100 years old are restricted, and only the following persons may obtain a copy:
- The registrant on the birth certificate.
- A parent or grandparent of the registrant.
- A court-appointed legal guardian of the registrant.
- An attorney representing the registrant with proof of representation.
- An heir of the registrant with a valid death certificate of the registrant.
- An authorized representative with legal purposes such as a court order.
If you have proof of eligibility documentation, you may obtain a certified copy of a Washington state birth certificate online, by mail, phone, or in person. You will need to complete the Application for Certified Copy – Washington Birth Record form.
To order a certified copy of a Washington date of birth record online, you may contact a third-party government agency such as VitalChek.
The fees for online orders are $36.50 for the two-week processing option or $48.50 for the one-three business days expedited service. VitalChek accepts all primary credit cards and debit cards, including Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
It is also possible to request a copy of a Washington birth record via VitalChek by calling 866-687-1464. The fees for phone orders are the same as those for online orders.
For in-person orders, you will need to schedule an appointment available Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm The Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics is located at 899 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002. You may also contact this office at (202) 442-5955.
For a Washington birth certificate order by mail, you will need to send your completed application, along with a certified copy of your photo ID, and a check or money order payable to "The State of Washington" in the proper amount to:
Center For Health Statistics
P O Box 9709
Olympia, WA 98507-9709
The fees for mail-in order forms are $23 for the first certified copy (The cost for a person who is 65 years or older is $14 if they are requesting their birth certificate), plus $23 for each additional copy. If expedited service is desired, there will be an additional $12.
How Can I Get a Copy of a Death Certificate in Washington?

Anyone may obtain a copy of a death certificate in Washington. However, you will need to complete the Certified Copy – Washington Death Record application.
You may receive a copy in-person, by mail, phone, or online. If you need the actual death certificate, you will need to contact the Washington county clerk's office or the county auditors' office where the death records were initially filed.
To order a certified copy of a Washington death record online, you may contact VitalChek. The fees for online orders are $36.50 for the two-week processing option or additional fees of $48.50 for the one-three business days expedited service.
VitalChek accepts all primary credit cards and debit cards, including Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
You can also order a copy of a Washington death record online via VitalChek by calling 866-687-1464. The fees for phone orders are the same as those for online orders.
For in-person orders, you will need to schedule an appointment available Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 p.m. The Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics is located at 899 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002. You may also contact this office at (202) 442-5955.
To order a Washington death certificate application by mail, you will need to send your completed application, as well as a certified copy of your photo identification, and a check or money order payable to "The State of Washington" in the proper amount to:
Center For Health Statistics
P O Box 9709
Olympia, WA 98507-9709
The fees for mail-in orders are $25 plus additional fees of $25 for each additional copy, and if expedited service is desired, there will be an additional $12 fee.
How Can I Get a Copy of a Washington Marriage Certificate?

Anyone may obtain a copy of a Washington marriage record, considered public records. However, you will need to complete the Application for a Certified Copy – Washington Marriage Record request form.
To order a certified copy of a Washington marriage record online, you may contact VitalChek. The certificate fees for online orders are $58.50 for the two-week processing option or additional fees of $78.25 for one to three business days of expedited service. VitalChek accepts all primary credit cards and debit cards, including Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
You can also request a copy of a Washington marriage certificate via VitalChek by calling 866-687-1464. The fees for phone orders are the same as those for online orders.
You will need to schedule an appointment available Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 p.m. for in-person orders. The Division for Vital Records Health Statistics is located at 899 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002. You can also contact this office at (202) 442-5955.
To order a Washington marriage license or certificate by mail, you will need to send your completed application forms, a certified copy of your photo ID, and a check or money order payable to "The State of Washington" in the proper amount to the county health department at:
Center For Health Statistics
P O Box 9709
Olympia, WA 98507-9709
The fees for mail-in orders are $34 plus $16 for each additional copy, and if expedited service is needed, there is an additional $12.
How Can I Get a Copy of a Divorce Record in Washington?

Qualified applicants may obtain a copy of a Washington divorce certificate from the Washing State Vital Records Office. This is provided the records are not sealed by a judge or court order.
The divorce verification is not a copy of the divorce record but rather a verification that a document is or is not on file in the state offices that match the names and information supplied by the applicant.
If you need the actual divorce record, you will need to contact the Washington State Department of Public Health or the Family and Probate court's office where the divorce occurred.
You will need to complete the Certified Copy – Washington Divorce Record application.
To order a copy of a Washington divorce verification online, you may contact VitalChek. The fees for online orders are $36.50 for the two-week processing option or $48.50 for the one-three business days expedited service. VitalChek accepts all primary credit cards and debit cards, including Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
You could also order a copy of a Michigan divorce verification via VitalChek by calling 866-687-1464. The fees for phone orders are the same as those for online services.
For in-person orders, you will need to schedule an appointment available Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 p.m. The Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics is located at 899 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002. You may also contact this office at (202) 442-5955.
To order a Washington divorce verification by mail, you will need to send your completed application, along with a copy of your identity documents (such as a valid driver's license) and a check or money order, payable to "The State of Washington" in the proper amount to the vital records office at:
Center For Health Statistics
P O Box 9709
Olympia, WA 98507-9709
The fees for mail-in orders are $25 for the first copy plus $25 for each additional copy, and if expedited service is desired, there will be an additional $12.