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Vermont Property Records Search
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Vermont Property Records

What are Vermont Property Records?

Vermont Property Records are maintained, recorded, and provided by each Vermont municipality's local town and city assessors' offices.

Since Vermont exercises the Public Records Act, all of these records are available to the public, and requesters can access them by contacting the appropriate office.

Vermont's Public Records Act guarantees that all government records will be open for public inspection and copying unless they are specifically exempt from disclosure.


Where to Find Vermont Property Records

As mentioned earlier, Vermont Property Records can be accessed at the county level. You will need to contact the town clerk's office to request these records.

Unlike other states with a county recorder, property records in Vermont are maintained by the town or city in which the property is located. For this reason, it is essential to know the municipality where the property you are researching is located.

InfoTracer can also assist you in finding property records in Vermont. It is a public records search website that can help you locate the information you need quickly and easily.


What Information Can You Find in Vermont Property Records?

The type of information that you can find in Vermont Property Records includes:

  • The names of the current and previous owners of the property
  • The date of the sale
  • The purchase price
  • The size and dimensions of the property
  • Property taxes
  • Zoning information
  • Deed restrictions

This information can be beneficial if you consider purchasing a property in Vermont. It can help you understand the property's history and ensure there are no outstanding liens or other issues that could affect your ownership.


Vermont Property Tax Records

Vermont is the fifth-highest state in the nation for property taxes. Vermont's average effective property tax rate is 1.86%, which is well above the national average of 1.07%.

Chittenden County has the highest property taxes in Vermont, with an average effective rate of 1.86%. In contrast, Franklin County has the lowest property taxes in Vermont, with an average effective rate of 1.70%.

To search for Vermont Property Tax Records, you will need to know the name of the municipality where the property is located. Once you have this information, you can contact the town or city clerk's office to request the records.

You can also search for Vermont Property Tax Records online through InfoTracer.


Vermont Registry of Deeds Offices

Below is the list of some of the Town Clerk's offices in Vermont where you can find property records:

Burlington Office of The Clerk/Treasurer
149 Church St.
Burlington, VT
Phone: 802-865-7000
Fax: 802-865-7014

Killington Town Clerk's Office
2706 River Rd. Killington
VT 05751
Phone: 802-422-3241
Fax: 802-422-3030

Montpelier City Clerk
39 Main St. City
Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone: 802-223-9500
Fax: 802-223-9523

Windsor Town Clerk
29 Union St.
Windsor, VT 05089
Phone: 802-263-5274
Fax: 802-263-5274

Bristol Clerk & Treasurer
South St.
Bristol, VT 05443
Phone: 802-453-2410
Fax: 802-453-5188


Frequently Asked Questions About Vermont Property Records

How Do I Find Out Who Owns a Property in Vermont?

To find out who owns a property in Vermont, you must contact the town or city clerk's office in the municipality where the property is located.

InfoTracer can also help you to locate this information.

How Do I Find Property Details Online?

Vermont has no statewide database of property records. However, you can find the information you need by contacting the town or city clerk's office in the municipality where the property is located.

The best way to find property details online is to use a public records search website like InfoTracer.

Where are Deeds Recorded in Vermont?

Deeds in Vermont are recorded at the town or city clerk's office in the municipality where the property is located.

How Do I Find Out About Vermont Unclaimed Property?

The State Treasurer's office is responsible for managing Vermont's unclaimed property. You can search for unclaimed property on InfoTracer if you prefer a fast and easy online search.

Vermont Property Records Search
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