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Nebraska Property Records Search
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Nebraska Property Records

What are Nebraska Property Records?

The Nebraska Public Records Law is a series of laws that govern the release of public records of governmental bodies in Nebraska. These laws are designed to give the public access to information collected and maintained by government agencies.

Property records are considered public records in Nebraska and are available to the general public. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as records that contain information that is considered confidential or trade secrets.


Where to Find Nebraska Property Records

Nebraska has 93 counties that keep and maintain records for all property located within their borders. Property records can be found at the county's register of deeds office.

Some counties have an online database where property records can be searched. However, not all counties have an online search option, and those that do may only provide limited information.

InfoTracer can provide you with access to Nebraska property records and other public records with just a few clicks.


What Information Can You Find in Nebraska Property Records?

The type of information available in Nebraska property records varies by county. However, you can typically find the following information:

  • Property owner's name
  • Parcel number
  • Property address
  • Year the property was built
  • Property value
  • Property taxes
  • Special assessments

These records are valuable for various reasons, such as researching the history of a property, checking for liens or encumbrances, or determining the value of a property.


Nebraska Property Tax Records

The state of Nebraska has one of the highest property tax rates in the country. Nebraska's average effective property tax rate is 1.61%, which is well above the national average of 1.08%.

Douglas County has the highest property tax rate in Nebraska, with an average effective rate of 2.04%. Meanwhile, Wheeler County has the lowest property tax rate in the state, with an average effective rate of 0.94%.


Nebraska Registry of Deeds Offices

These are the state's most populous counties and their registry of deeds office locations:

Cass County Recorder of Deeds
346 Main Street
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, 68048
Phone: 402-296-9330
Fax: 402-296-9331

Douglas County Recorder of Deeds
1819 Farnam Street
Omaha, Nebraska, 68183
Phone: 402-444-7159
Fax: 402-444-6693

Hall County Recorder of Deeds
121 South Pine Street
Grand Island, Nebraska, 68801
Phone: 308-385-5040
Fax: 308-385-5107

Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds
555 South 10th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska, 68508
Phone: 402-441-7481
Fax: 402-441-8728

Sarpy County Recorder of Deeds
1210 Golden Gate Drive
Papillion, Nebraska, 68046
Phone: 402-593-5773
Fax: 402-593-2338


Frequently Asked Questions About Nebraska Property Records

How Do I Find Out Who Owns a Property in Nebraska?

As with any other state, the best way to find out who owns a property in Nebraska is by searching the county's property records. These records are typically available at the county recorder or register of deeds office.

InfoTracer can also access Nebraska property records if you don't have the time to go to the county office.

How Do I Find Property Details Online?

The best way to find property details online is by searching the county's website. Not all counties have an online database, but those that do usually provide limited information.

InfoTracer is a helpful tool if you need access to Nebraska property and other public records.

Where are Deeds Recorded in Nebraska?

Deeds are recorded at the county register of deeds office. The vast majority of counties in Nebraska have a website where requirements, fees, and turn-around times can be found.

How Do I Find Out About Nebraska Unclaimed Property?

The State Treasurer's Office of Nebraska is responsible for maintaining unclaimed property records.

If you need to find out about Nebraska's unclaimed property, the best way to do so is by looking into InfoTracer's unclaimed property records.

Nebraska Property Records Search
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