Hawaii Property Records
Table of Contents
What are Hawaii Property Records?
Property records pertaining to real property in Hawaii have details about local land and buildings. Often referred to as "deeds", such legal documents are essential for real estate contracts. Hawaii's Bureau of Conveyances stores and maintains all records pertaining to real property. If you are in the market for a new home or other real property, be sure to check out all the details as stated on the property records at the Bureau of Conveyances.
Where to Find Hawaii Property Records
You can find Hawaii property records at the Bureau of Conveyances. However, you can also use InfoTracer's search engine to obtain information about local Hawaii public records and properties.
What Information Can You Find in Hawaii Property Records?
Property records detailing Hawaii real property have the information prospective buyers need to make an informed decision. Examples of the information on Hawaii property records include:
- Boundary Lines
- Judgements
- Liens
- Property Taxes
- Property Value
- Previous Owners
- Current Owners
- Mortgage Information
- Property Address
- Town Records
- Zoning
Continue to analyze the property record in question and you will find additional information ranging from the number of rooms to the property's amenities, information about previous foreclosures (or lack thereof) and other details that help you determine if the property is worth purchasing.
Hawaii Property Tax Records
Property tax records detail the amount of money the city or town charges the owner of the property to own the house or other building as well as the land. The local town/city assessor determines the value of the property based on the current market rate as well as the building(s) on the land. Property owners in Hawaii must pay property taxes each year.
Hawaii properties are egregiously expensive, yet that massive cost is partially offset by the state's comparably low property tax rate. Hawaii has a property tax rate of only 0.28%, making it one of the lowest in the United States of America. Crunch the numbers and you will find the median yearly property tax payment in Hawaii is only $1,871.
Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances Offices
Hawaii property records by name are easily accessible through the state's Bureau of Conveyances offices. You can find information about local Hawaii properties in Honolulu, Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii Counties at the following office:
Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances
Kalanimoku Bldg - 1151 Punchbowl St, Rms 120 & 122 / PO Box 2867, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 / 96803
7:45am to 4:30pm / Recording: 8:00am to 3:30pm
Phone: (808) 587-0147
Frequently Asked Questions About Hawaii Property Records
How Do I Find Out Who Owns a Property in Hawaii?
If you are looking for information about property ownership in Hawaii, you can find it at the Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances.
How Do I Find Property Details Online?
You can visit the Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances office's brick-and-mortar location or online at Bureau of Conveyances (hawaii.gov) for information about local property owners. It is also possible to find information about Hawaii property records by name through InfoTracer's online search engine.
Where are Deeds Recorded in Hawaii?
Deeds and other public records property Hawaii information are available at the Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances.
How Do I Find Out About Hawaii Unclaimed Property?
The state of Hawaii makes it easy to find unclaimed property. The state's website, available at Hawaii.gov | Unclaimed Property Search (ehawaii.gov), has more information about claiming unclaimed property. If you would like to conduct an online search for unclaimed property in Hawaii, use the state's unclaimed property search tool at Department of Budget and Finance | Unclaimed Property Search | General Information (ehawaii.gov). InfoTracer's online search for unclaimed property will also help you obtain the information you are looking for.s