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Alaska Property Records Search
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Alaska Property Records

What are Alaska Property Records?

State of Alaska property records are documents containing legal information pertaining to real property. Such legal documents contain details about properties with and without structures. Most state of Alaska property records are referred to as "deeds" that contain information ranging from the address of the property to the name of the property owner and beyond. A deed is registered with the recorder's office after a real estate contract closes.

Those interested in buying property in Alaska are encouraged to check Anchorage Alaska property records prior to purchasing the property. Performing such due diligence ensures there are no foreclosures, tax issues, liens, or other problems related to the property in question.


Where to Find Alaska Property Records

Alaska deeds are stored at the state's Recorder's Office of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. You can conduct an online search of Anchorage Alaska property records by surfing the web over to the Recorder's Office site. If you prefer to interact with a human being in person, you can visit the Alaska Department of Natural Resources located at 550 W 7th Ave #1360, Anchorage, AK 99501.


What Information Can You Find in Alaska Property Records?

Alaska public property records are chock-full of information including but not limited to:

  • Property Address
  • Purchase History
  • Past and Current Owners
  • Zoning Class
  • Property Value
  • Mortgage Records
  • Boundary Lines
  • Judgments and Liens
  • Town Records

Additional Property Details

Take a close look at Alaska property records and you will find additional details about the property, land, and buildings including the mailing address of the homeowner, the number of baths and bedrooms in the building on the property and information pertaining to other amenities.


Alaska Property Tax Records

Property tax records for Alaska properties detail the money charged by the city or town for taxes. The taxes pertain to the land as well as the buildings on that land. A local city or town assessor evaluates the property and its buildings to establish the tax rate. It must be noted some Alaska cities do not have property tax. The state's larger cities have property tax that is slightly higher than the country's average property tax rate. Alaska's property tax rate is 1.18%. Inflation along with the value of Alaska real estate determines property tax rates.

The state's highest property tax rate is in the Anchorage Municipality at 1.32%. North Slope Borough comes in second with an average effective property tax rate of 1.30%. The state's counties with the lowest tax rate are Prince of Wales-Hyder with a 0.27% tax rate and Hoonah-Angoon with a 0.44% tax rate.


Alaska Recorders' Offices

Alaska has recorders' offices as opposed to registry of deeds offices. Visit or contact an Alaska recorder's office and you will find a plethora of information pertaining to local properties. Here's a quick look at some of the state's offices for property tax record information:

Anchorage Office (for Aleutian Islands District)
550 West 7th Ave, Suite 1200, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3564
8:00 to 3:30 M-F / Research from 7:30
Phone: (907) 269-8872 or 269-8876

Denali Borough, Alaska
Recorder Offices
Fairbanks Office (for most of Nenana & Fairbanks District)
1648 S Cushman St, #201, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701-6206
8:00 to 3:30 M-F / Research from 7:30am
Phone: (907) 452-2298 or 452-3521

Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska
Recorder Offices
Fairbanks District Office
3700 Airport Way, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-4699
8:00 to 3:30 M-F / Research from 7:30am
Phone: (907) 452-2298 or 452-3521

Haines Borough, Alaska
Recorder Offices
Juneau Office (for Haines, Skagway, Juneau District)
400 Willoughby Ave, 3rd Floor / PO Box 111013, Juneau, Alaska 99801 / 99811-1013
8:00 to 3:30 M-F
Phone: (907) 465-2514

Juneau Borough, Alaska
Recorder Offices
Juneau District Office
400 Willoughby Ave, 3rd Floor / PO Box 111013, Juneau, Alaska 99801 / 99811-1013
8:00 to 3:30 M-F
Phone: (907) 465-2514


Frequently Asked Questions About Alaska Property Records

How Do I Find Out Who Owns a Property in Alaska?

Alaska's Department of Natural Resources makes it easy to find out who owns property in the state. Conduct a search online or visit the country's recorder's office and it won't take long to obtain information about local property ownership and a listing of recording fees. You can also reach out to the DNR Public Information Center for additional assistance. You can also use InfoTracer's powerful search engine to find out who owns property in Alaska.

How Do I Find Property Details Online?

Visit the Department of Natural Resources website for information about local properties.

Where are Deeds Recorded in Alaska?

Alaska deeds are recorded at the state's recorder's office. This office oversees more than 30 recording districts.

How Do I Find Out About Alaska Unclaimed Property?

You can find information about unclaimed property in Alaska by visiting or

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