If you have a phone number and need to know if it is a landline, mobile phone, or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) line, try our phone validator tool today. Enter the number and click the button to see if the phone number is valid, active, able to receive calls, and find out what carrier provides service to that line.
A phone validator is a tool that allows you to enter a phone number and check to see if the number is accurate, dials the correct business or person, and can receive phone calls, along with other details. The information comes from phone carriers nationwide.
Some benefits of using a phone validation for your business are:
A phone validator tool checks a phone number against a database of millions of records from dozens of phone carriers like AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, T-Mobile, Vonage, Sprint, Tracfone, and others.
Our database includes records from hundreds of telecom carriers providing accurate results instantly. When you enter a phone number, our proprietary software checks the number against all the records to find out the type of phone, the provider and sends a text message (not visible to the owner) to test if the line is live and viable.
Businesses depend on accurate phone numbers to reach clients. Since mobile phone usage has exploded over the past few years, marketers and advertising professionals need to know which lines are capable of receiving SMS text messages.
Some things a phone validator can do for you are: