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Vehicular Homicide: Penalties, and the Difference Between Manslaughter

Vehicular Homicide: Penalties, and the Difference Between Manslaughter

Vehicular homicide, also known as automobile homicide or aggravated vehicle homicide, is a criminal offense that involves causing the death of another person due to negligent or reckless driving.

Citation vs. Ticket: What is the Difference?

Citation vs. Ticket: What is the Difference?

"Is a citation a ticket? " As a motorist, you may have asked yourself this question a couple of times. These terms are often used interchangeably and basically refer to the same thing – an action taken by law enforcement officials to record a traffic violation.

What is Blue-Collar Crime? Its Types and Consequences

What is Blue-Collar Crime? Its Types and Consequences

Blue-collar crimes are generally linked to individuals outside the professional or corporate world, often from lower-income backgrounds.

Legal Penalties for Parental Kidnapping: Steps to Take When a Parent Abducts a Child

Legal Penalties for Parental Kidnapping: Steps to Take When a Parent Abducts a Child

Although many believe that strangers mostly perpetrate cases of missing children, a large portion of child abductions are actually carried out by one of the parents of the minor.

Most Criminal Olympic Games in the History of the Olympics

Most Criminal Olympic Games in the History of the Olympics

The Olympics is meant to impart to people of all nationalities the spirit of fair play, global unity, and serious bragging rights.

What Is Theft By Deception: Examples, Types, and How to Prevent It

What Is Theft By Deception: Examples, Types, and How to Prevent It

Theft by deception is a crime that relies on manipulation and deceit. Theft by deception depends on the perpetrator's ability to mislead or manipulate their victim into giving up their possession willingly.

What Is White-Collar Crime: Types and Examples

What Is White-Collar Crime: Types and Examples

Many crimes don't involve sordid alleyways, getaway cars, or lethal weapons. In fact, white-collar criminals rarely see their victim's faces, but the damage is just as severe.

The Difference Between Aggravating and Mitigating Factors

The Difference Between Aggravating and Mitigating Factors

In the  criminal justice system, judges consider different factors to determine suitable sentences for defendants. These factors, referred to as  aggravating and mitigating factors, are elements that reveal the extent of the accused person's transgression.

What Is a Criminal Trial and What Phases It Has

What Is a Criminal Trial and What Phases It Has

A  criminal trial  is the determination of innocence or guilt when a person is charged with a crime. They are set up as the government versus an accused individual.

What is Difference Between Civil vs Criminal Case: Meaning and Definition

What is Difference Between Civil vs Criminal Case: Meaning and Definition

Most people are aware that there are different types of civil vs criminal cases. The court system is designed to punish criminal actions and address or mediate disagreements between citizens and organizations.

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