Vehicular homicide, also known as automobile homicide or aggravated vehicle homicide, is a criminal offense that involves causing the death of another person due to negligent or reckless driving.
"Is a citation a ticket? " As a motorist, you may have asked yourself this question a couple of times. These terms are often used interchangeably and basically refer to the same thing – an action taken by law enforcement officials to record a traffic violation.
Blue-collar crimes are generally linked to individuals outside the professional or corporate world, often from lower-income backgrounds.
Although many believe that strangers mostly perpetrate cases of missing children, a large portion of child abductions are actually carried out by one of the parents of the minor.
The Olympics is meant to impart to people of all nationalities the spirit of fair play, global unity, and serious bragging rights.
Theft by deception is a crime that relies on manipulation and deceit. Theft by deception depends on the perpetrator's ability to mislead or manipulate their victim into giving up their possession willingly.
Many crimes don't involve sordid alleyways, getaway cars, or lethal weapons. In fact, white-collar criminals rarely see their victim's faces, but the damage is just as severe.
In the criminal justice system, judges consider different factors to determine suitable sentences for defendants. These factors, referred to as aggravating and mitigating factors, are elements that reveal the extent of the accused person's transgression.
A criminal trial is the determination of innocence or guilt when a person is charged with a crime. They are set up as the government versus an accused individual.
Most people are aware that there are different types of civil vs criminal cases. The court system is designed to punish criminal actions and address or mediate disagreements between citizens and organizations.
Legal cases can be complex and involve various parties with distinct roles. Many television shows focus on the professionals, leaving the plaintiff and defendant as minor footnotes.
The insanity defense is a contentious concept within criminal law, capturing public attention and sparking both legal and ethical debates.
Luxurious planes, unique sleeper trains on European vacations, and incredible cars of every shape imaginable allow anyone to travel the globe.
The United States was home to some of the most notorious serial killers of all time. Many of these killers you've likely heard of, especially names like Jeffrey Dahmer, but others you may now know yet.
The word "recidivism" has gained increasing attention in recent years as society grapples with issues related to crime, rehabilitation, and reintegration.
The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, has existed in most civilizations and cultures. Today, over 70 percent of countries have banned the practice, making the United States an anomaly among its allies.
Whether you are looking into a court case for school research or curiosity, you can find thousands of case files online. It's incredible the amount of court-related information available to the general public.
It's not that unusual for famous people to get into trouble with the law. Fame and fortune have a way of leading to pushing the boundaries of what is allowed.
Just about everyone on the planet knows the name of Frank Sinatra, famed crooner, actor, bad boy, and producer. He is one of the most successful talents worldwide and has sold more than 150 million records.
In our daily lives, we may witness a crime without even realizing it. Later, when we watch the news, something may jog our memory about details that we saw firsthand.
Does hearing about the real lives of Ed Kemper, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ed Gein fill you with wonder and intrigue? Do you spend hours obsessing about the small details of an unsolved crime, sure that you could solve it if given a chance?
Sexual predators are some of the most heinous offenders because they often prey on the vulnerable such as children and others who cannot easily defend themselves.
As a parent, you want to do all you can to keep your family safe. If you have teens living in your home, you will want to be aware of these specific scams that target young adults.
If you are fed up with eBay and Amazon, Poshmark is an alternative selling platform you can use to buy or sell new or used goods.
The reason hackers and cybercriminals are so successful is that they continue to evolve and find new ways to trick, deceive, and defraud the public.
There have been dozens of data breaches over the past few years, and believe it or not, some of your passwords are out there.
Every day our inboxes are filled with emails, much of it spam. The amount of junk email each person gets every day is astounding.
With everyone working remotely these days and families celebrating the holidays "virtually," it's more important than ever to know how to protect yourself on video calls.
COVID has prompted a severe uptick in fraud, identity theft, and scams. One such scam that many desperate, out-of-work Americans are falling for is a work-at-home scam.
Many states allow your criminal record to show up in public records. Total strangers, family, and friends could have immediate access to it at any time.
Just about everyone wants to fall in love and live happily ever after with their perfect mate. However, it's not that simple these days.
Many law-abiding citizens have FBI background checks done all the time for various reasons. But have you ever wondered what is included in an FBI background check?
We all live by our electronic devices these days, and with a lot of heavy use, your cell phone could be dying when you need it the most.
There are quite a few times in your life when you might be asked if you will submit to a background check. Some of the reasons for a background check are when you apply for a job, a special license, or decide to join the military or other government agencies.
The world is a dangerous place these days, especially when it comes to your online life. You have probably heard about phishing emails, scam calls, ransomware, and malware, spoofing attacks, but have you heard about sniffing attacks?
With the advent of mobile cell phones, it seems you cannot escape unwanted phone calls and texts these days. Many are merely annoying, but others may actually be designed to scam you out of your hard-earned money or your identity.
Buying a new car can be fun and exciting, even if the car you purchase is a used vehicle. It's even better to find the perfect car or truck at a great price.
With the holidays fast approaching and the pandemic in full swing, more people are ordering online from various online marketplaces than ever before.
There are dozens of reasons you might want to find out if someone is in jail. In addition, there are a few different ways you can do it.
Most people have heard of a man in the middle (MITM) attack, but not everyone knows what it means. MITM attacks are some of the oldest forms of cybercrime and the most damaging for the victim and could leave them financially devastated.
In 2019, an average of 16. 5 million people watched NFL football games. Sundays during football season are family days for many, and relatives and friends often gather together to enjoy watching their favorite teams compete against one another.
Having a criminal record can cripple a person's chances for many opportunities in life. Along with potentially hampering a person's chances for employment in many areas, things like professional licenses, visas, the ability to adopt a child, college admission, and the ability to qualify for some types of housing.
Social Engineering Definition
What is social engineering? Social engineering attacks are a new approach to stealing a person's sensitive data or confidential information or gaining access to a company's accounts.
Michigan is one of the largest and most populated states in America.
Located in the Great Lakes and Midwestern regions of the U.S., Michigan is the 11th most extensive state by area and the 10th most populous state.
Mass Shootings Statistics and Timeline
Unpredictable mass shootings rock the United States with sporadic frequency. Some target people at specific locations, like schools and concerts, while others sow fear with their randomness, spraying people on the street or at a store with deadly bullets.
There's nothing more dreadful than receiving word that there's a warrant out for your arrest. Thoughts will swirl in your head, and internal debates will rage about what you did or could have done.
Shocking crimes seem to be a dime-a-dozen in the United States, where crime always leads the news and there are more guns per capita (89 guns for every 100 people) than anywhere else.
Gun Control in the United States: an Overview
The United States has two types of gun laws. Some are federal laws that dictate the sale, purchase, possession, and transfer of firearms, and others are governed by each state individually.
Due to the diverse cultures that exist in the different regions of the United States, it can often be challenging to predict which crimes are the most common.
If a person gets arrested for breaking a strange and arcane law, do we blame his dumb behavior or the law?
There appear to be enough of both (weird laws and dumb people) to go around.
During Prohibition, the Chicago Crime Commission named gangster Al Capone "Public Enemy Number One" and sought public assistance to rally forces against criminal enterprises that turned the city into a free-for-all of gin mills and gangs.
Abuse can take many forms, and every abuser has his or her unique way of manipulating and marginalizing victims. Gathering evidence of abuse first requires the victim to recognize what's going on and want to end the behavior.
Psychologists say that there are few among us who have the capacity for hurting others, and that could be explained by a mental issue called dissociative disorder, which allows the criminal to suspend empathy for his victim.
The nation's legal system is largely built on checks and balances between judges, courts, and juries, and the trial court system is typically efficient in giving defendants a fair shake at proving their innocence.
Incarceration means that someone is currently in a local county jail, city jail, state prison, or federal prison. It may come to pass that at some point, you're trying to determine whether someone you know is currently incarcerated.
Wartime is often a period of scarcity and uncertainty among citizens, but have you ever wondered about the crime rates while the soldiers are away fighting for your freedoms?
Ahhh Texas…the popular vacation destination, beach-strewn state where everything is bigger and better, right? All of these are true, but Texas is also full of crime-ridden cities that any visitor or anyone looking to relocate there should be aware of.
In today's age, you'll be hard-pressed to find someone who has never had a run-in with the law before, and you may even know someone who is a convicted felon.
Children are mostly the light of their parents' lives…but not always. There have been a few in history that have committed horrible crimes that probably made their ancestors roll over in their graves.
1️⃣ Crime Follows Low Income and Low Employment
Detroit leads the country in cities with the most violent crime again, with Memphis, Oakland, Birmingham, and Atlanta close behind, says a report from Forbes magazine.
Thanks to the evening news and the availability of video clips online, we can all live vicariously through the horror of seeing a burglar climb a fence, kick in a door, and rifle through the contents of someone's house.
For some, the idea of travel conjures up images of sandy beaches and drinks with umbrellas in them. For others, it means standing in lines, airport delays, and traffic.