Delaware Court Records Search
The Delaware Superior Courts have original jurisdiction over civil and criminal matters for the state. The only exceptions are domestic relations matters and equity cases (the Court of Chancery handles those). This court also has the exclusive jurisdiction in the state for felonies and drug offenses except for the possession of marijuana and drug or felony cases for minors. Delaware Superior Courts are the intermediate appellate court for the Family Court, Court of Common Pleas and 50 administrative agencies within the state.
The Superior Court is located in three counties, New Castle, Kent, and Sussex and is 175 years old. The courthouses are modern with state-of-the-art technology along with an “integrated statewide case management system with an automated sentencing order program and a drug court information system.”
Within the Superior Court system, there are specialized courts such as Drug Court, Veterans Treatment Court, Reentry Court, and Mental Health Court. These courts aim to focus exclusively on their area of expertise to offer a higher level of support and resolution to sensitive matters. Their mission is: “to improve court outcomes for victims, litigants, and our communities.”
The Delaware Superior Court website has a plethora of information on every aspect concerning these courts. They even have an electronic support system called iCourtClerk where patrons can ask questions and get help electronically.
Additionally, their website includes an area with downloadable forms for filings, a list of fees, a place to resolve unclaimed property, detailed information for jurors, and profiles for each judge who sits on the Superior Court. To further their public outreach program, they currently offer: “daily jury reporting information, civil case online database, forms, Project Rightful Owner online case search, Trade Names database online search, and an online answer desk.” The Superior Court averages about 13,000 civil filings (72%) and 5,000 (28%) criminal filings each year. The Delaware Superior Court has five commissioners, one male, and the rest female.