It is located in Walworth County, WI. It has a population of 4,283 inhabitants. The crime rate is - 154.10 per 10.000 people. There have been 66 arrests in 2017. The city has seen an uptick in arrest records since last year by 0.005%. The majority of crimes committed in East Troy are larceny/theft crimes - 58 incarcerations, whereas the least popular crime is the arson - only 0 arrests.
View Wisconsin criminal and arrest records for other counties.
Most of the city arrests fall into 21-30 age group - 38.1%, the least crimes have committed people between 61-70 - 4.8%. When looking at arrest numbers - a great number of arrestees belonged to White race, whilst the least arrests had Black race.
The city has seen more non-violent crimes than violent. There have been 7 felony charges and 59 non-violent crimes.
For the time period of 2007-2017, the city of East Troy averaged 68 violent crimes. Of that total, 1 was for murder/non-negligent manslaughter, 13 was for revised rape, another 13 was for legacy rape, 4 was for robbery, and 37 was for aggravated assault.