Suttons Bay has a population of 611. During the past three years, Suttons Bay saw 37 arrests. For 2012, the Suttons Bay's arrest rate totaled 212.77 per 10,000 residents. This decrease of 42.34% makes Suttons Bay lower than the national average of 368.98 per 10,000 residents. From that total, 0 were violent crimes like murder, rape, and robbery. The city of Suttons Bay also totaled 13 arrests for property crimes during 2012.
View Michigan criminal and arrest records for other counties.
Overall, Suttons Bay had a higher rate of non-violent crime. For 2012, Suttons Bay averaged 0 violent crimes and 13 non-violent crimes.
The city of Suttons Bay experienced 2 violent crimes during 2009-2012. Of that total, the robbery total was 2.